Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Special Treatment

Hi All,

I am sitting in town at the Cyber Cafe looking through the blog to read new comments. Molly is sitting next to me Face Booking. I just have to let you know what is going on all around us. Five muchachos (young men) are hanging out about eight feet from us. And, the size is growing by the minute. They are making a lot of racket, saying Molly´s name in English, laughing and cutting up. I asked Molly why they are saying her name over and over and she said, ¨Because they think it is cool.¨ This is the way it is everywhere my kids go. They are such an item of interest. Every day after school I hear stories. We are hearing random English words directed our way with laughing. Molly is pretty good at being kind to the young men but ignoring them when it is appropriate. She handles them with grace giving them enough attention to not be rude but not too much to encourage them.

Our children are treated with great honor. They are forced to take the best seat, to be the 1st in the lunch line, etc... This bothers my kids. Today they laid their feet down and insisted on going to the back of the lunch line like everyone else. I am not sure if this okay to do. We are continually trying to figure out the social graces here. There have been a few social blunders....

Mike and I have had the same experience yesterday. Madeline came down sick and her asthma starting acting up. We had to take her to the local hospital since her rescue inhaler wasn´t cutting it, and when we got there, there was lots of people waiting to see a doctor. I thought¨oh my goodness, this is going to take awhile¨. Well, they rolled out the red carpet for us and took us straight back to see a doctor. Mike says the school principle called ahead to let them know we were coming. I was glad MAddy got immediate attention because she truly needed it but we all know what emergency rooms are like in the US.

Yesterday the doctor wrote several perscriptions and then sent us out to the pharmacy to pick them up. We had to visit a couple of pharmacies to find each medication. One store owner gave our persciptions to us without knowing us at all. Then, after returning to the hospital with the meds, the doctor admitted Maddy for treatment. This same doctor has made herself available to us day and night while we are here in La Haucana. The school principle came to check on us while there. After being there for a couple of hours, we were excused and expected to pay nothing. What a blessing this was since we really didn´t have the money this would have required.

God takes care of his people!


Cammie said...

Wow-that is good looking out. Is Maddy better? It sure can be helpful to know the right people, but more so to have God in control, eh? Your children are beautiful, I bet they do get a lot of attention. You all are going to walk away changed in so many ways(all for the better I'm sure).
I'm glad to hear all worked out with the doctors. You all take care-your pal in TEXAS-Cammers

Czech girl said...

Hi Tammy and Mike,
Marita gave me the link to your blog yesterday and I have enjoyed reading it! Dave, Megan, Patrick and I just returned from 3 weeks in Guatemala and Nicaragua, and I could relate to so many things! Especially the kindness, the need for earplugs at night, and the fireworks! When we returned, I was so happy to be able to throw toilet paper into the toilet! Life's simple pleasures....I'll be looking forward to reading more of your adventures!

Debra Driscoll from Polk County

The Knutz Family said...

Welcome to the blog Debra! The link is cirulating like wild fire. This blesses me. We made new friends in Ixtapa (Canadians) and now they read the blog. I love sharing our experiences. It keeps me thinking and taking pictures so in essence, the blog helps me to enjoy Mexico more. I have more plans for the blog then I have time to include. We are overjoyed with so many reading it.

Wow, you got to visit Guatemala! Sounds just like Mexico. I am enjoying the cultural experience but will be so thankful for Mexico but know I will be happy to get back to America when the time comes.

The Knutz Family said...

Madeline is recovering. Her asthma is under control and the antibiotic is fighting the infection. She came down sick so fast, I didn´t see it coming. Jake is now sick and I am coming down too.

I look forward everday to seeing what God does in my family.