Friday, January 16, 2009

School Uniforms in Mexico

All over Mexico, very young kids and high school alike, all students are required to wear uniforms to school. In La Haucana, it has been very confusing to our family when to wear what.

There are PE uniform days, formal uniform days, casual uniform days, and casual clothing day. And to beat all that, PE day is constantly changing so that means the uniform is changing as well. Does that sound confusing? I hear every morning someone shouting from their closet asking what day it is.
In La Haucana schools, girls are not allowed to color their hair or wear make-up to school. Also, calves are not allowed to show, therefore girls must wear long, thick socks. The principle has been very gracious with our family and has not required us to follow all the strict dress guidelines.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it a requirement for students to wear uniforms to attend the public school system?