The Word of Our God Stands Forever
1 year ago
Recently our family visited a resort town named Ixtapa. We were delighted to get to visit with the many Americans on vacation. These Americans were interested in the details of our lives in Mexico. A common question was, "Aren't you concerned for your family's safety?" Recent news had reached them about the the gang activity in a nearby town.
My answer was "No, God had told us 20 years ago that we would be taking this trip. And, if..." and one lady finished my sentence for me, "God had brought you to Mexico, than He will protect you while you are here."
Couldn't have said it better myself!
WOW! The view is AMAZING!!!
I tried to follow your blog but it removed me!? So i am following anonymously....
Wow, very beautiful.
Tammy, I'm praying for you to get better. I'm so sorry you are sick:(
Whoops! Sorry! We have had some difficulties with the blog. We are rookies. Mike had removed a couple of people a month ago since they had registered under code names and their comments were not respectable. I doubt that was you. Try to register under your first name or a differnt name. I would really like to know who you are! Let us know somehow. Do you have either of our personal email addresses? Thank you for following the blog. I'd like to add your name to the list of 118 people following anonymously.
I understand how that is. My blog name is Shannon. Should i try adding myself again or can you re-add me or what?
I'm sorry to hear you are sick :-( I will pray for you! I hope you feel better soon!
Shannon, you could try signing up under that name again or a different one. I am sorry this has been so much trouble for you. I have actually never done it myself so it is hard for me to advise you. How about "mamabear" or something like that. Mike is the one who set-up the blog and then later I came in to manage it. I have never blogged before.
Feeling a wee bit better every day. I am still in bed and not eating with a lot of stomach pains but the worst is over. PTL! Thank you for your prayers.
I am glad your starting to feel better! I will keep praying for you!
I will go try again. By the way I don't think i have either of you personal e-mails.
Hmm... I got my name up there but it won't let me coment using it...
Can anyone else advise Shannon? Keep trying though. Others have had to problem solve as well. I wish I knew more about these blogs. Could you recruit some help - that usually saves time.
I only know one Shannon and that Shannon has my personal email address. Now I am really curious!
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